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Category: Customer Care

Peter Meyer
Peter Meyer joins Jim Blasingame to reveal what you have to do to achieve a value pricing strategy, including how to conduct your relationship with customers.
John Sculley
John Sculley joins Jim Blasingame to reveal that customers now rule in the marketplace and that corporate America still doesn’t get this, plus the importance of being adaptive.
Andrea Nierenberg
Andrea Nierenberg joins Jim Blasingame to talk about how to behave when you lose a customer or a bid, so you keep the lines of communication open in a classy way
Matt Cullina
Matt Cullina joins Jim Blasingame to reveal that cyber-criminals are moving down-market to attack and hold for ransom the data of smaller businesses who don’t have adequate cyber-security.
Skip Miller
Skip Miller joins Jim Blasingame to reveal some of the steps to take reconnecting with customers starting off the New Year, including asking them what they need, not telling them what you have to sell.
John Dini
John Dini joins Jim Blasingame to reveal that giving customers what they want instead of what they need will increase both sales and profits through long-term customer relationships.
Doug Barry
Doug Barry joins Jim Blasingame to tell a customer service story he learned while serving reindeer herders in Siberia.
Bill Dunkelberg
Bill Dunkelberg joins Jim Blasingame with the NFIB Index that shows small business owners are more optimistic based on what they think will happen than what has happened.
Tom Garr
Tom Garr joins Jim Blasingame to explain why the Favor Bank System can be used to produce the Holy Grail of business, the referral.
Chip Bell
Chip Bell joins Jim Blasingame to make the connection between what your customers are expecting from your business and the kinds of changes you’re going to face as a result.

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