Category: Customer Care
Ilise Benun joins Jim Blasingame to discuss four ways to spot a bad customer.
Ilise Benun joins Jim Blasingame to explain that if you don't have a strong marketing plan in place, you ten to say yes to customers who are not ideal and create problems, plus why you are setting a customer relationship up for failure if you're not discerning about how you work.
John Coupland joins Jim Blasingame to explain that your core network are the people who support you fully and why you can't afford to take them for granted.
John Patterson joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the power of relationships and the impact it has on customer experience.
Ruth King joins Jim Blasingame to reveal the power that you can generate by using your customer lists as a profit generator.
Rob Grede joins Jim Blasingame to reveal that you MUST determine from a customer complaint whether this is a one-off issue, or a systemic problem within your organization.
Rob Grede joins Jim Blasingame to reveal three things you have to to if you want to turn customers who have a complaint into brand loyal customers, which Rob calls the "3 Rs".
Rob Grede joins Jim Blasingame to reveal extensive, multi-industry research that shows for every complaining customer, there are 24 who have a problem don't complain, and what that means to your small business.
Chip Bell joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how to deal with difficult online customers, including how to deal with negative online reviews.
Chip Bell joins Jim Blasingame to reveal how to deal with difficult customers, including two things to observe before you fire a customer.
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3rd Ingredient® (453)
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Customer Care (1373)
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The Age of the Customer® (884)
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