Category: Sales, Sales Management
How are you going to finish your year? Skip Miller joins Jim Blasingame to talk about how to get your end-of-year prospecting strategy on track so you can finish the year on budget.
When business is slow, it's the best time to improve yourself and your sales materials. Ilise Benun joins Jim Blasingame to encourage you to use slow periods to improve your sales materials and sales training, including proposals.
Make special offers to create urgency with customers. Ilise Benun joins Jim Blasingame to offer suggestions on how to get customers with the vacation attitude to take action when they're not otherwise inclined to consider your business.
Cause marketing is about building customer relationships. Bob Negen joins Jim Blasingame to reveal how cause marketing demonstrates your corporate values while promoting your business and growing customer relationships.
What is cause marketing and how can it work for your small business? Bob Negen joins Jim Blasingame to reveal how cause marketing works and how to use it to drive sales and help the community.
Are you ready for the Age of the Customer? Jim Blasingame reveals the markers that identify what he calls "Hidebound Sellers" and "Visionary Sellers" and how to tell which one you are.
Are your salespeople ready for the Age of the Customer? Jim Blasingame reveals the three kinds of salespeople, why two of them have parts of what they need, but only one will succeed in the Age of the Customer.
Are you asking Age of the Customer questions? Jim Blasingame to talk about how to get in sync with customers by asking them what they know about what you sell before telling them what you know.
Let your sales manager manage. Brad Huisken joins Jim Blasingame to talk about how to choose a sales manager, what they should do and why small business owners must allow them to actually manage.
Testing your new hires for sales positions is essential. Brad Huisken joins Jim Blasingame to talk about the reasons and benefits of testing prospective salespeople for personality and business acumen.
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3rd Ingredient® (453)
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Communicating (1504)
Coronavirus (891)
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Economy: Nation, Global (3834)
Entrepreneurship (3718)
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Miscellaneous (220)
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Sales, Sales Management (2127)
Start Up (904)
The Age of the Customer® (884)
Training, e-Learning (387)
Work-Life, Balance (2165)