Category: Customer Care
Prospect for customers who will spend money in the next 90 days. Skip Miller joins Jim Blasingame to reveal Step 2 of Q4 sales growth: Find five new prospects who have money to spend in the next 90 days.
How do you maximize fourth quarter sales? Skip Miller joins Jim Blasingame to reveal the first step to Q4 sales growth: Clean your prospect list from the previous 9 months and get rid of prospects that won't close.
Taking customers for granted is the kiss of death for a small business. John Bradberry joins Jim Blasingame to discuss why you must continuously ask how and why customers are using what you sell.
How big a deal in marketing is being helpful? Alan Maites joins Jim Blasingame to reveal the being helpful to customers is the best way to go viral in the marketplace.
Did you know your brand has characteristics? Tom Asacker joins Jim Blasingame to reveal how your brand has both dynamic and static characteristics that customers expect to find.
A soybean is a commodity and so is everything you sell. Jim Blasingame talks about practices that will prove your relevance and differentiate your small business from competitors in The Age of the Customer™.
The value of customer relationships to sales has never been higher. Mary Cantando joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how to increase sales by focusing on customer relationships and customization.
What are you learning about new customer expectations? Beverly Inman-Ebel joins Jim Blasingame to talk about how to identify and deliver on the evolving and additional expectations of customers.
Have you ever thrown a party for your customers? Jane Pollak joins Jim Blasingame to report on the customer appreciation party she is planning and why every small business should do it.
What do you do with a "price only" prospect or customer? Rob Jolles joins Jim Blasingame to recommend that a small business consider walking away from any prospect or customer who only wants price.
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3rd Ingredient® (453)
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Sales, Sales Management (2127)
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The Age of the Customer® (884)
Training, e-Learning (387)
Work-Life, Balance (2165)